- DVC¶
Data Version Control. A tool for versioning datasets, machine learning models, and other large files. DVC integrates with Git to manage and track changes in data pipelines. For more information, see DVC.
- Node¶
The core component of ZnTrack defining a unit of computation to be used in a workflow. A Node encapsulates inputs, outputs, and the logic to transform inputs into outputs. For more information, see Node.
- Node name¶
A unique identifier for a Node within a ZnTrack project. The name is used to reference the Node in workflows and to organize its outputs.
- GIT¶
A distributed version control system used to track changes in source code and collaborate on software development. ZnTrack integrates with Git to version workflows and their outputs.
- Commit hash¶
A unique identifier for a specific commit in a Git repository. In ZnTrack, the commit hash is often used to version and reference the state of a workflow or its outputs.
- NWD¶
The Node Working Directory. A directory specific to a Node where its outputs are stored. The NWD ensures that each Node’s files are isolated and organized.
- Project¶
A ZnTrack project is a collection of Nodes combined into a directed acyclic workflow graph which defines the computational pipeline. A project is typically versioned using Git and DVC.
- ZnFlow¶
The ZnFlow workflow manager. For more information see ZnFlow.