ZnTrack Documentation

ZnTrack (zɪŋk træk) is a lightweight and easy-to-use Python package for converting existing Python code into reproducible workflows. By structuring your code as a directed graph with well-defined inputs and outputs, ZnTrack ensures reproducibility, scalability, and ease of collaboration.

Key Features

  • Reproducible Workflows: Convert Python scripts into reproducible workflows with minimal effort.

  • Parameter, Output, and Metric Tracking: Easily track parameters, outputs, and metrics in your Python code.

  • Shareable and Collaborative: Work together with your team using Git. Share your workflows, reuse components in other projects, or package them as Python modules.

  • DVC Integration: ZnTrack is built on top of DVC for version control and experiment management, seamlessly integrating into the DVC ecosystem.


You can install ZnTrack via pip:

pip install zntrack


Let’s convert a simple Python script into a reproducible workflow using ZnTrack.

def add(a: int, b: int) -> int:
    return a + b

if __name__ == "__main__":
   x = add(1, 2)
   >>> 3

We will now transform this function into a Node and build a directed workflow graph using ZnTrack.


A ZnTrack Project always requires a GIT and DVC repository. Initialize a new project by running the following commands:

mkdir my_project
cd my_project
git init
dvc init
touch main.py # Add the code below to main.py
import zntrack

class Add(zntrack.Node):
   a: int = zntrack.params()
   b: int = zntrack.params()
   result: int = zntrack.outs()

   def run(self) -> None:
      self.result = self.a + self.b

if __name__ == "__main__":
   project = zntrack.Project()

   with project:
      x = Add(a=1, b=2)


   >>> 3

ZnTrack uses Python classes instead of functions to define a Node. This approach differs from most other workflow management tools and is motivated by the need to store all inputs and outputs of a Node, making each Node stateful.

Once a Node has been executed, you can access its results at any time. Each Node is uniquely identified by its node name and the git commit hash.

import zntrack

x = zntrack.from_rev(name="Add", rev="HEAD", remote="https://github.com/user/repo")
>>> 3


You can omit the remote and rev parameters to load a Node from the current repository and commit.

Projects using ZnTrack

mlipx is a Python library designed for evaluating machine-learned interatomic potentials. It offers a growing set of evaluation methods alongside powerful visualization and comparison tools.


IPSuite provides tools for generating machine-learned interatomic potentials.


Apax is a high-performance, extendable package for training and inference with atomistic neural networks.


ZnDraw is a powerful tool for visualizing and interacting with atomistic trajectories.


A DVC graph executor and progress visualization tool.


Paraffin can be used with or without ZnTrack and provides powerful tools for distributed execution of DVC graphs, along with a graphical user interface for monitoring progress.